Of all my training and mastered skill sets, I’ve learned more from travel. The world is a living and ever-changing textbook full of lessons of higher learning.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.“ -Saint Augustine
Every new continent, country, city and the culture in it experienced is a new page to learn from. A truly hands-on method of cultivating knowledge with all 5 senses.
An education no university can offer without actually stepping foot on foreign soil and living it.
The extent of knowledge isn’t limited to the visual and physical world nor the sociology of the many peoples but also extends to philosophy and enlightenment.

The mere motion of travel and simply being present in a place isn’t enough, however. Higher learning can only be effectively obtained by immersing yourself in the “worlds” around you, by living and breathing it.
The world in itself is a university within a galaxy.
World Travel = Higher Learning
[The featured photo was taken on the island of Gili Air in Indonesia – 10,178 miles away from my home.]
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I like how you relate the world to a university and in turn to higher learning… haha very clever.
Ahhhh I must start my vagabonding trip soooon!!! The wait is killing me!
I feel you, wait until the night before you finally leave to travel – excruciating.
Great comparison, I suppose our Passport and visa stamps are like our diplomas?