The best restaurant in the world is not what you’d expect; rundown, disorganized, unknown, inexpensive and sometimes even a little dirty.
There’s nothing like eating food from their origin homeland, where it’s best served…
I’m no food critic so it’d be presumptuous to name a single restaurant that’s the best in the world.
I can however, confidently say what type of restaurant is in any given country. It’s the small and humble, usually family owned joints that you’ve never heard of.
The kind of places that are all around but are unintentionally ignored by most people looking for a place to eat, especially when traveling abroad.
They want something unique and authentic to the culture of the country they’re in but they look for familiar signs, the highly rated and pretty facades.
Ultimately leading them to restaurants catered specifically to tourists where the dishes are inharmonious blends of the local cuisine and a bastardization of Western taste.
The best food is real food made by real people.
As ironic as it may seem, restaurants with no stars often have some of the best tasting foods in the world.

It may be because these “ma and pa” eateries naturally have a strong and authentic homestyle type of cooking. Also because their recipes, methods and ingredients are untainted by outside influence or even the bureaucratic pressures of large scale restaurants.
Like an artist who can create with full creative control.
Furthermore, some of the best restaurants in the world are working with some of the worst kitchens in the world. Secondhand, outdated or straight up broken equipment and yet produce works of culinary art.
The best restaurant is not the most expensive, most popular or even the one with the highest online reviews. It’s the ones that offer you the experience of the meal, not the perception of the venue.
Restaurants shouldn’t be pretentious or ambitious, they should only be conscientious for the delicious.
On a broad level, there really is no such thing as “the best restaurant in the world” but there certainly is on a personal and individual level. It’s one of those things you can’t find by searching for it, however.
Instead, one day you’ll be having a meal at a restaurant like any other day and realize, this is the one.
// The Best Restaurant in The World
[The featured photo was taken at one of the best restaurants in the world, a nameless place on a mountain peak in Bali, Indonesia. .]
Could ya tell us where exactly that restaurant is in the photo? I’ll be in Bali next month, would kill to eat there.
I must eat there as well. I’m guessing it’s no way near Kuta?
You have a great view of what the best restaurant in the world is and it makes sense. But I bet those snotty food critiques will disagree, they’ll pick the fanciest.
Okay yes, that is the best restaurant in the world and it’s crazy cheap.