Clandestine housing units situated in relatively public or otherwise easily accessible spaces. These are specifically designed for both impromptu and planned refuge scenarios with “living” amenities and tactical capabilities. In general and in various levels, each unit is strategically prepped for defense, surveillance, communications, first aid and sustenance.
Examples: Legitimate and “normal” apartments, houses, office spaces or undeveloped land.
As per the nature of the operative’s work and status, embassies and its subordinate stations within the country are for last / only resort situations or if explicitly purposed for the OP objective. On paper and in most cases, this is a haven for the embassy’s citizen from the reach of the host territory.
Examples: Consulates, sovereign diplomatic offices.
Relatively secure for short to much longer term shelter. These are local residential or commercial properties that have been on-the-market with little to no activity or the activity timetables are pre-verified before accessing – ensuring location viability.
Examples: Large isolated estates / commercial lots, units in large apartment complexes / homes in subdivisions.
Official places of business and civil service facilities that are open to the general public that do not function as retail or offices but as self service open spaces with minimal to no interpersonal interaction required to be present indefinitely.
Examples: Public libraries, internet cafes, churches, homeless shelters and underworld clubs.
Most effective and ideal for active evasion and distanced exit strategies. Serves as escape transportation with rest / sleep capabilities. This shelter type however is not limited to moving vehicles but also includes stationary (parked) ones as well.
Examples: Long-haul or territory crossing airplane / bus / boat ride or any given street car / truck of necessity convenience.
This includes both abandonments and active buildings – areas that are physically difficult to reach or inaccessible by law. Other than conventional constructs, these shelters also include the spaces between the city street and the underground; tunnels, sewers, subways, caves and derelict remnant infrastructures from the past.
Examples: Entire buildings, structures, utility passages and gated spaces.
Each shelter / haven type will be further covered individually in future intel posts. Learn about the more conventional 6 nomadic hotel alternatives.
[The featured photo was taken at a survival shipping container testing site in Thailand.