I’ve been following you for a few years now and have been planning to become a nomad and living a vagabonding life like yourself. The plan is to live low cost and moderately but also enjoy it, so budgeting is important, but not to the extreme. How you do it, traveling but at a very slow pace, “living” in each city for extended periods of time. So, what’s your average monthly vagabond cost of living / breakdown for the past year?
-User 01899
Los Angeles, USA
I don’t track my spending that thoroughly as it’s been historically much less than that of my cost of living at “home” in New York City. Meaning, it’s become almost inconsequential to budget as a vagabond after so long.
But a rough annual estimate of last year was about $21,000 USD. That’s for everything; food, accommodations, leisure, tours, transportation, fees, bills and whatever incidentals.
So my monthly cost of living as a nomad is $1,750.
This cost is a global average, calculated from many countries and most of the continents.
For example, my average nomad cost of living in Western Europe is more than double that of living in South East Asia, which is about $700.