In engagements of critical conflict and combat, skills and training are secondary, keeping cool is primary. It must first be grasped to operate optimally.
Whether you’re a soldier in a war zone abroad, in an active firefight for work or a civilian caught in a mass shooting at home, your probability of survival and level of operational functionality starts with and relies on the most crucial of mindsets: composure.
“Engage your brain before engaging your weapon.” -General James Mattis
Being cool, calm and collected in a maliciously dangerous and volatile situation is the most important and often only strategy to prevail.
Composure in the chaos of combat makes you alert, focused and accessible. Then skillsets, training disciplines and logical decision making can be implemented with maximum efficiency.
Without this equilibrium of self in these crises, panic manifests. Immobilizing you physically and mentally.
You don’t have to be a trained professional or be endowed with brass balls to find practical clarity in tangible chaos, it can be a simple shift in mindset.
[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type=”show” ihc_mb_who=”reg” ihc_mb_template=”2″]To react and behave with a certain nuanced or focused directional purpose, gaining an advantage.
While undoubtedly easier said than done, the implementation is a simple 3 step mind hack:
First is the acceptance of circumstances. That whatever shit is happening or will happen must happen and the only control you have is to get through it.
Second is the deferment of emotions. To set aside useless “feelings” that will only get in the way of your ability to think and move with exactitude.
Lastly is the focus of mission. Being singularly goal-oriented and hyper driven to complete the objective of getting through your accepted circumstances.
Depending on your state of mental balance and cognizant capacity, these steps can be taken in a single moment to mere seconds to a few minutes.
Conflict Resolution = Composure Disposition
“Where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. -Mahatma Gandhi
[The featured photo was taken in Kathmandu, Nepal during a police pursuit of an unknown subject.]
Just for arguments sake I tried to think of something more important than composure for moments of chaos in combat…. maybe luck? But of course not.
Got the same advice during basic training.. This is a necessity.