If sudden crises and constant adverse circumstances make you lose your shit, making shit even worse – evolve to always keep it together, bitch.
“The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.” -Aristotle
They say happiness is a choice. I feel this to be mostly accurate, with the rare exceptions caused by psychological disorders and genetic disposition. But even then, though harder, happiness is within reach.
It’s no different when keeping your shit together during the tough times in your life and those surprise negative situations of living. You may not be able to control the problem directly, but you can most definitely keep your composure and be cool to respond with dignity and effectiveness, like a man.
Keeping your shit together is a choice.
Losing your shit is a choice.
No matter how bad or hopeless it may be, it’s an actual decision to remain collected or to fall apart.
Losing your shit is just as bad as worrying, as they are both literally the most pointless state of minds a person can actively engage in. And it is an active and ongoing choice to remain this way.
“Just as a waterfall grows slower and more lightly suspended as it plunges down, so the great man of action tends to act with greater calmness than his tempestuous desires prior to the deed would lead one to expect.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
There is absolutely no gain and usually increased loss in losing your shit but there is only potential gain when choosing to keep it together – even if you have no control over the the cause of your misfortune.
Use your fear as a motivator, operate as if the world owes you nothing, don’t take things personally even if it is, take accountability if applicable and never forget you’re the architect of your own making…
Be your own master, not a lil bitch.
[The featured photo was taken at Krabi, Thailand.]
I love THIS! New style of writing??? Very inspiring sir,
Great morning inspo!