My greatest strength as a covert operative was at times also my greatest weakness. I’ve always been aware of this but now it’s time to evolve.
I started my career always working with a team 3 or 5, myself included. But I quickly shifted to work as a lone operative, typically handpicking my OPS as I pleased. I excelled because I worked well alone and extremely rarely needed assistance, sans assets.
The problem with this is that I never asked for help, especially when I needed it. Admittedly due to my pride, the fact that I didn’t want to look weak and my arrogance as a young cocky son of a bitch.
There were a handful of OPS that could have run for a lack of a better word, smoother. And a single reluctantly memorable catastrophic mission failure solely because of my micromanagement of that team.
Now I believe pride is a liability and asking for help when you need it is not weakness but quite the contrary.
So my New Year’s resolution is to ask for help when needed and to let others help when offered.
I’ve been retired for a while now but this is just as useful in everyday life and may be for you to.
[The featured photo was taken at Hoi An, Vietnam.]
Over confidence or arrogance can get us into more trouble faster than just about anything. That is true in just about everything.
There is nothing weak about asking for help if warranted. Sometimes the help is in the form of a better way of accomplishing the objective, other times it is in the form of added resources.
Objectively assessing the situation and potential threats with a small dose of paranoia can help make it so you see another sunrise.
I like the saying
“Asking for help doesn’t mean that you have failed, it just means your not in it alone.”
Excellent post! You’re on a roll sir!