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As if by design, a couple of thin but towering trees of exactly equal height and foliage can be seen protruding over a small hill from one of the main concrete walkways in Central Park. If specifically looking for this, the trees are obvious if in range.
I specifically chose this area to be able to be found in the dark of the night – the twin trees are visible against the lights of the city’s skyline.
With no pathway, you must cut through the untouched vegetation to reach the twin trees. It’s relatively centered on the oval shaped hill and is about 50 – 65 meters from the walkway to the target.
On each tree there is a hammock strap but the actual hammock is currently packed inside the go-bag.
The go-bag is buried about 2 feet below the Earth, dead center between the trees. The kit is contained in a black Goruck Tough Bag, of which is wrapped in an “I Love NY” plastic shopping bag.
[Locale Last Verified: March 2018]